This Buffalo Life Blog


Welcome to This Buffalo Life

This is the story of the American Buffalo, why I think it's important to live like the Buffalo, and how you can do it.

the Buffalo

The story is adapted from a lesson learned by the Native American Indians about the legend of the American Buffalo.

It tells about how times were rough for the Indian people; it was winter and there wasn’t enough to eat. People were starving. Some men went out to hunt, and on their way they met a woman dressed in white. She told the men to “return to their people and tell them I am coming.” She taught the Lakota people the mysteries of the earth and how everything was connected. She taught them to pray and to follow the right path of life.

As she left the tribe, she rolled on the earth four times, changing color each time before turning into a white buffalo calf and disappearing. Legend has it that she left behind herds of buffalo for the Lakota.

The American Buffalo, or the bison, has become a symbol of abundance + manifestation. It’s teaching them that they don’t have to struggle to survive, especially if they have the right mindset. 

When they combine prayer with the right action, they can move forward in this life with ease. Everything is connected and all that is needed will be provided.

I love this because I can relate to this experience. When things aren’t going how we think they should go, it’s so easy to want to look outside, at the external things in our life. It’s easy to think our answers are out there, and we need to go find them.

But when we quiet the mind, we can hear what we need.

I think ‘returning to their people’ is like going inside, coming home to yourself. You already know what you need. You can pray and go forth with that prayer and trust that things will work out for you.

live like the Buffalo

The buffalo has a very spiritual meaning to the Lakota and is a sign of life’s sacred hoop. It is mind, body, spirit, and unify. To me, this sacred hoop, mind, body, spirit, and unify, is all about life balance. I have also learned that you don’t have to struggle to survive. When I am mindful and live a balanced life, I feel abundant. 

This takes careful planning and living intentionally. I want to take care of my whole self so I can enjoy all the parts of my life. 

When I do this, I feel so much better.

And, it’s so much easier than we think it is. This is exactly why I became a life coach. When I learned how to live a balanced life, I thought, “Why didn’t someone teach me this?” Specifically, what is in my control. I want to teach you how to live a life of abundance so you don’t have to go through the struggle of feeling like you can’t do what you want now that you have kids.

7 life areas of life to balance:

  1. rest

  2. spirit + purpose

  3. physical + mental health

  4. relationships

  5. work + money

  6. home + environment

  7. creativity + continuous learning

Balance is NOT giving equal time to each area. Balance is an internal ratio. To be balanced, you need to be mindful. A great way to do this is to score yourself from 1-10 in each area. Once you score yourself, you will know if you want to spend more time in that area. I have conveniently broken these into 7 categories so you can give each day of the week a specific focus.

abundance + manifestation

Let’s talk a little bit more about abundance + manifestation and how this applies to your daily life.

Abundance is having a lot of something. So much that there is overflow, or extra. But how do you gage if you have extra of something?

Take time, for instance. We all have 24 hours a day. To some of us, it doesn’t feel like it’s enough. To others of us, it feels like too much.

So, abundance is also a feeling. This brings you back inside your body. Only you know if you have an abundance of time.

Your friends might look at your life and think you’re so lucky because you only have two kids, and you might be looking at your life wondering how you’re supposed to fit your workout in because you have two kids.

The circumstances are the same, the perception is different.

It’s when you can look at your life from an abundant mindset that things start to manifest for you.

To manifest is to see what already exists, or to make known.

The buffalo already existed in the world, the Indians just weren’t seeing them. They didn’t believe they were there, so they didn’t see them.

When we think about manifesting something, it can feel a bit woo, but it’s actually really simple.

Think about it energetically. Like magnets, like attracts like. 

You can have a magnet with nothing on it, and as soon as it ‘sees’ something it’s attracted to, it’s going to manifest that thing to it.

This is called the law of attraction.

If you think you don’t have enough time, you’re going to prove it true. You’re going to attract more things to do or spend longer doing things than you want to.

But if you think you have an abundance of time, you’ll manifest a different experience.

So take a look at your life.

Score yourself in each of these areas. On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate yourself?

And then ask yourself why to find out what your perception is. Are you thinking abundantly? How can you shift your thinking to abundance? What do you think needs to happen in order for you to be a 10? Is that thing possibly keeping you from seeing something else?

If you want help with this, I can help you.

We can go over each of these areas together and I’ll be able to share with you some of the blocks I see that you might not be seeing.

One mindset shift can dramatically change your life, and looking at your life with an expert can help you see what shifts are available to you.

If you are a mom and you’re struggling to have your own time or you want to feel better about the time you do have, I know I can help you. The more abundant you feel about your life, the more you want to show up and be mom. I know how hard life can be sometimes, and I want to help you see what’s possible.

This isn’t just thinking about feeling better, having more money, or better relationships, and hoping they will manifest.

This is understanding why your life is the way it is and knowing what changes to make in your mindset to see what you already have.

When you have what you have, you can have more.

That is abundance + manifestation.

If you want to learn more, and change how you see your life, I would love to support you on your journey. To connect, you're welcome to email me [email protected]