This Buffalo Life Blog


Every Mom Needs Regular Hours

personal development time

One of the first things that needs to happen when you are creating change in your life is organizing your time.


This is essential to growth.


You need to be organized so you can easily know what’s working and what’s not.


Every mom needs regular hours for work and for play.


And if you are Highly Sensitive, you need to make sure your hours include solitude.


HSP moms need regular periods of isolation throughout the day to process their emotions and let go of the energy that doesn’t belong to them.


As a busy mom, you have to take radical responsibility to make this happen.


You have to be the boss AND the employee.


As the boss, you have to know what’s enough. How much cleaning is enough? How much laundry is enough? How often are you cooking dinner and what time do you need to start? When are you getting groceries? When are you paying the bills?


These are questions your Organized Mom Binder will help you with.


You have to be the boss for your life and set it up in a way that is desirable for you.


Once it’s set up, you get to be the employee and live it.


If you said you’re going to get up early, you get up early.


You follow your schedule.


And you’re going to want to because as the boss, you created a schedule that’s fun. That includes down time.


LOTS of downtime if you’re a Projector like me who is also HSP Empath.


I remember the first time I created a schedule that changed my life.


It was the summer of 2016. I know because I took a picture of it.


It was a rare moment when I was up before the kids.


This was rare because I used to struggle with getting out of bed. I would lie in bed, thinking about the day ahead, and just dread starting it.


And then I’d hear my kids wake up and the negative self talk would start.


  •  I should’ve gotten up.
  •  I wasted another morning.
  •  I can’t stand this.


I’d feel terrible and stay in bed until the baby was crying and there was usually a mess to clean up from the other kids.


Maybe you can relate to this. When this is what’s happening, of course you don’t want to embrace the day.


I didn’t know that so much was actually within my control.


I had no idea how much my life was about to change.


So, back to this random day when I was up before the kids.


I was journaling. Complaining, basically, about how terrible my life was.


And listen, my life was amazing. I had a house. I had a beautiful family. I had a husband that loves me. I had everything I ever wanted.


My complaining had nothing to do with my circumstances.


It had everything to do with my internal state.


But I didn’t have that awareness at the time.


So I was journaling.


When you write, if you allow yourself time to write long enough, you will come to your own conclusions.


Your energy will shift.


And that’s what happened for me.


My energy shifted.


The words on my paper stopped being about how terrible my life was and I started writing about POSSIBILITY.


I thought I was dreaming. Fantasizing.


I wrote out my dream day.


I thought, if my day looked like THIS, then I’d be happy.


But in order to have that day, I thought I needed to get up at 4:30am.


That was a joke. I knew there was no way I was ever going to get up earlier than 6.


And then I thought, what if?


What if I just got up at 6?


I mean, I was usually awake. What if I just got up?


I wouldn’t be able to do everything, but I could do some of the things.


And so I did it.


And here’s the catch. I didn’t wait until the next day to start.


The rest of that day I set myself up for success.


I made sure I cooked dinner at a decent time so I could get it cleaned up before bed.


I made sure the house was cleaned up so I wouldn’t be tempted to clean it in the morning.


I made sure my kids went to bed on time.


I picked out my outfit and I knew how I was going to spend my time.




So the next morning, it was easy to get out of bed at 6am.


I got up and I had my quiet morning, and it was glorious.


Here’s what happened that I had no idea would happen.


These are called Strategic Byproducts.


Strategic byproducts are unexpected results you get when you try something new.


By the time my kids were up, I was already available.


I was showered and dressed. I’d had my time.


I was able to greet them when they woke up and help them get breakfast.


This meant there was no mess to clean up later.


Everyone was in a good mood.


And after breakfast when I would have normally tried to squeeze in a shower, I had free time.


And when nap time rolled around, I was so far ahead of my mom duties that I had even more free time.


I was completely astounded.


It had such a profound effect on me. I couldn’t believe I waited so long to try it.


So you might not even realize the compound effect, the positive results you will get from creating a schedule and giving yourself what you need.


But remember, when you create a schedule, that’s your possibility.


That first schedule isn’t meant to be followed to a T.


That’s just inspiration.


It’s just a start.


You have to also know how to be realistic.


How to set yourself up for success.


This is being a good boss.


You want your employees to be able to follow through.


You want that for yourself.


You want your employees to love working for you.


You can do that for yourself.


Create your schedule. Create your Regular Hours.


And  if you need help with this, come join the Organized Mom Binder program, and I will support you.