How To Enjoy Being Mom
One of the things here at This Buffalo Life is that I do coaching around your ENTIRE life. We are whole beings, and often times, there is no separation between our thoughts about ourselves, our thoughts about our husband, our kids, our house, our money, all. of. it.
The thing with the Buffalo is that you HAVE everything you need to live the life you most want.
YOU have it all.
But the problem is that your brain is holding you back from believing you have it all, and that’s where I come in.
Your brain will fill your mind with critical self talk. It will have you self sabotaging your growth and wasting your time in endless compare and despair.
I can help you believe that your life is ENOUGH. That you are enough. AND that you can have more. That you don’t have to be okay with the way things are. I can help you change your life with my process.
One of the areas of my life I wanted to change was my family. I didn’t understand why I didn’t enjoy being a mom, when for my entire life I told myself I wanted to be a mom. It was my DREAM to be a mom and have my own kids, so when I was living that dream, but it felt like a nightmare, I didn’t understand it.
And this is why coaching is so transformational. We get to the CAUSE of what’s going on in your brain. We figure out why you’re thinking what you are and how it’s creating your life the way it is.
For me, I didn’t realize until YEARS (and 6 kids) later that the reason I resented being a mom was because I was also telling myself I couldn’t do what I wanted to do.
I remember enrolling in college classes and wishing someone would just tell me what to major in. I wanted to be a teacher or a psychologist, but I felt like I couldn’t. I thought I just had to be a mom, and I was waiting to get married.
This is what our brain does. It’s not like anyone told me I couldn’t be a teacher or a psychologist. But I somehow made up this story in my head that I couldn’t do those things.
And after I was home with babies all day, I thought of so many careers I could have gone to school for and still be mom. So then, I felt lied to. Really, the only person lying was me, but I didn’t see it that way. I felt like someone should have told me.
For 13 years I had this battle of wanting to be mom and not wanting to be mom, and then through coaching I figured out what I was actually thinking that was creating such an upset for me.
When this happens, it’s not like you all the sudden change your brain and your life is now amazing. No. There is a lot of work to be done (or undone), but when you get to the cause of your suffering, it’s so much easier for the thought to stop bothering you.
As soon as I had the awareness that I was thinking I can’t do what I want, I started hearing myself say it to myself. When I started hearing it, I was able to acknowledge it and remind myself that it wasn’t true.
I looked for reasons why I was glad I was married and had kids. I looked for reasons why everything was perfect this way.
I stopped trying to fix it. I stopped trying to do things just because I could, or because I thought I deserved them.
I had compassion for my 19 year old self and what she was feeling.
Then, I thought about what I want to make it mean now. What do I want my relationship with my family to be like? What do I want my relationship with me to be like? These are important questions that I think we should all give thought to.
Because the truth is that I DO want to be mom, and that my life IS amazing. But maybe you’re not there yet, and that’s okay because I can help you.
The first thing you want to do is to acknowledge the way you’re currently feeling about your family. Don’t try to change it and don’t add shame on top of what you’re feeling. Just notice how you’re feeling and allow that feeling to be there.
For me, it was resentment. Apathy.
Feelings are so important for two reasons.The first reason is that when we can get specific on the feeling, it’s so much easier to identify the thought we are thinking. Name your feeling and ask yourself what you are thinking that’s causing you to feel that way.
And then check in on yourself. Does it match up? When you think that, is that really how you feel?
The second reason feelings are so important is because they drive all our action. If you don’t like the way you are with your family, if you don’t like the way you show up, it's because of how you're feeling.
I wanted to ENJOY being a mom more. So, I thought about what that would look like for me. What would my life be like if I actually enjoyed being mom? What would we do? And most importantly, what would I be thinking?
So many moms miss this step. They don't have a vision. They haven't given it any thought. This is the blueprint. If you want to create it, you have to know what it would look like.
I cannot stress this enough. All problems are thought problems and we can solve them in your brain. You have everything you need to enjoy being mom and I can help you get there faster.
I have a process that I walk my clients through that helps them stop feeling overwhelmed so they can take more action while also feeling more energetic.
I know it might sound too good to be true, and that's the miracle of coaching. When you book your call I will share my process with you so you really understand it. All you have to do is CLICK HERE.
You are amazing and your life is amazing. It does not matter what your life looks like. If you have a desire to have a better life, it will be given to you. Book your call and let’s get started.