This Buffalo Life Blog


Day Four Gratitude


Today is the last and final day of the Week of Gratitude. We have covered gratitude in the future and in the past.


We went micro and found something to appreciate in the everyday.


Today, we’re going to go macro. Let’s think big about your life.


Day Four Gratitude is about your future. What are you looking forward to in the next three years?


This can be a goal you want to accomplish for your body, your health, your relationships, your home, your money, your creativity, or any other area.


This goal does not have to be realistic, and I’ll explain why.


This goal should be a desire that keeps nudging at your brain, calling you.


All you’re going to do is put a 3 year time limit on it.


It’s okay if it’s not realistic because the point isn’t to accomplish the goal within three years. 


The goal is to BECOME the person who could achieve it. To align yourself with what you want.


To give yourself a path to walk on.


The goal is the JOURNEY. To follow the line from where you are to where you want to be in 3 years.


I’ll say it time and time again:


Stop living your life waiting for someday. Stop waiting for your life to be a certain way so you can enjoy it.


Start enjoying it NOW, before you have all you want.


Start doing NOW what you ultimately want to be doing.


Even if you’re a mom.

Especially if you're a mom.


Before I started my business I used to wonder what moms did all day.


If only I set a three year goal.


I would have given myself PURPOSE, something to work towards, instead of wandering aimlessly around, not really enjoying anything.


Your goal does not replace your position as mom.


I believe that being a mom is the highest calling and fulfilling that comes first.


But if you’re someone like me, you need to give yourself something to look forward to.


A three year goal is different from a one year goal.


We overestimate what we can do in a year and we underestimate what we can do in 10.


This means when we set a one year goal, we often take on too much. We overwhelm ourselves and get stuck in in-action.


But if you take that one year goal and you give yourself THREE YEARS to accomplish it, you can do it relaxed.


But most people don’t want to do this. They want instant gratification.


They don't want it to take so long, and yet, they never start.


They end up sabotaging themselves and their lives and then wonder why they’re not happy.


If you want to feel more gratitude and appreciation for your life, the key is to grow. And the best way to do that is to set a 3 year goal.


What are you looking forward to in the next 3 years?


I chose to focus on my business. Here’s my response:

By summer 2026 I have helped over 60 moms genuinely love their life by having enough time to do what makes them happy.


If you are struggling to think of a goal, I have two tips to help you.

  1. zoom out and think about the overall vision you have for your life

  2. answer these questions


Once you set a 3-year goal, you’ll know exactly what to focus on.


Based on where you are and where your goal directs you, you know how you need to show up.


If you think you don’t know, pretend a friend was going to do what you wanted to do and tell ‘her’ the best way to get there.


You know your life better than I do–you know exactly where you are starting.


You are the red X on the map.


Your goal is the destination.


You can list out 10 steps you need to take to get there.


Do those 10 steps, and then list 10 more.


Keep going.


I cannot tell you how much gratitude and satisfaction this will bring you. You have to experience it for yourself.


And the first step is to appreciate you–where you’re at and where you’re going.


Because guess what.


This desire doesn’t come from you. It’s GIVEN.


I know I talk a lot about how you are in control of your happiness and how you can create whatever you want.


But try this exercise: lift up your arm and hold it out.


How are you able to do that?


By the Grace of God.


You don’t have to know how the system works to work the system.


Just believe. Set a goal and give yourself something to be happy about.


Take your 3 year goal and we turn it into a plan. Narrow it down to a 90 day focus.


And then take action.




The Buffalo is all about BELIEVING you have everything you need.


It's about getting ALIGNED.


There is nothing you genuinely want that you can't have if you stay aligned.


To live an extraordinary life, you must learn to live in harmony with your life.


You need to know how to be mom, how to take care of you, the house and the kids, love your husband, and still move forward on your goal.


It’s a lot.


It requires effort.


Tremendous effort.


But what’s the alternative?


Going through life without joy? Feeling apathetic day in and day out? Constantly wishing for something different?


I’ve been there and it’s not fun.


The opposite of depression isn’t happiness–it’s purpose.


Your 3 Year Plan will give you purpose.


It will give you direction + focus.


And because the going is a little rough at times, you might want support.


When you're ready, I will be here to support you. I would love to meet you and talk about your 3 year plan. I'll ask you questions and help you get really clear on what you want and how to go about it so you can leave the call feeling like you know where to start.


The call is totally free. We'll meet on Zoom and talk for about an hour. Before we're done, I'll tell you about how we could work together so you have ongoing support as you follow your plan so you can learn to hold yourself accountable and do what you said you would do.


If you're interested in having a clear 3 year plan, you can schedule your free call HERE.


Even if you already have a plan, I can help you feel better about it and work out the kinks (how you'll could approach it without falling behind as mom) so you make progress.


Click HERE to schedule your free call, and I'll see you then!






DAY FOUR GRATITUDE : what are you looking forward to in the next three years


GIVE :  something to yourself (bath, yoga, chocolate, flowers, time to read…)