This Buffalo Life Blog


A Week of Gratitude


Ready for A Week of Gratitude?


Over the next four days I am going to publish a daily gratitude prompt. 


It’s well known that actively practicing gratitude directly impacts how happy you feel. 


So. This is going to be an ACTIVE week. You are going to participate with me and you are going to feel good. 


I will give you the prompt and I will also give you my response. I would be thrilled if you leave a comment each day and tell me what your response is. 


The one thing that goes along with gratitude is GIVING, so I’m also going to ask you to give this week. 


This can feel hard or even impossible if you’re tired of the busy life at home with everyone touching you and begging for your attention, but if you do the simple assignment each day, I guarantee you will feel better. 


It’s okay if you don’t feel like doing it. Just do it anyway to help yourself shift your energy. 


It’s just like how rearranging a room gives you a refresh and raises the vibration at home, gratitude and giving does that for you. 


When you INTENTIONALLY give, you feel better and are more authentic because you put more energy behind what you’re doing.


This means you don’t have to give very much to feel good. It doesn’t have to take a lot of your time or effort.


Ready? Here's day one. 


Day One Gratitude is about finding something in your life that you are looking forward to, specifically today or this week.


When you have a vacation that you are looking forward to, you feel excited. You’re not even there yet, and you already feel better.


How can this be?


Because how you feel comes from your MIND.


You don’t have to have a vacation to look forward to. It can be a cup of coffee, a dinner, a date.


It can be a hot shower, a day at the pool, or time with friends.


But the more you anticipate all the goodness of that thing, the better you will feel ahead of time and the more delicious the actual experience will be.


Here’s my response: I am so grateful that organizing comes natural to me so I can help my clients have better lives. I'm looking forward to my next round of clients this week.


After you write your response, notice how you feel in your body. I feel grounded.


I know I'm good at what I do. I know I will help my clients so they can be better moms and enjoy their kids more AND have time for themselves.


When you do this exercise, your job is to direct your brain to YOUR response three or more times each day so you can experience that good feeling.


The more you do this, the easier it is.


And the cool thing is, your brain doesn't really know what's reality and what's made up, so before you know it, your reality will be what you made up.


If you need help or want to share, leave a comment below.





DAY ONE GRATITUDE : what are you looking forward to today or in the coming days?


GIVE :  15 minutes of your time to your home. (You can do this by paying more attention in your regular cleaning or deep clean something extra.)