This Buffalo Life Blog


How to Eavesdrop On Your Mind

journal mindset personal development

This post is about eavesdropping on your mind. This is a concept you want to apply to your life if you want to create change in any area.


This is what I do with my clients, so know that this is powerful and it works.


Your life is simply a reflection of your mind, so it’s a good idea to know what’s going on in there!


When you eavesdrop on your mind you can easily predict what’s going to happen next.


And when you get really good at eavesdropping on your mind you can interrupt it and direct it in a way that serves you.


But in order to interrupt it, you have to be paying attention in the first place.


That's why we want to eavesdrop.


First this post will walk you through what eavesdropping is and why you should be doing it, and then I’ll teach you how to do it so you can apply this concept to your life.


When you eavesdrop on your mind you will start becoming more aware of how you actually are in control of your life.


what is eavesdropping on your mind


Think about the word eavesdrop. The definition is ‘to secretly listen to a conversation’ and I love this because that’s exactly what you’re doing when you eavesdrop on your mind.


You’re listening to yourself think, and when you get really good at it, it feels kind of like you’re doing it secretly.


You never stop thinking. Your brain never stops.


You have upwards of 60 thousands thoughts every single day.


You talk to yourself. You have conversations in your mind.


It starts right away when you wake up.


Ugh. I should get up. I don’t want to. What am I going to wear? What am I even going to do today? I really should get up before the kids get up. I need to take advantage of this time. I’m so exhausted…


You have a conversation playing in your mind.


If you eavesdrop on that conversation, you listen to it.


You don’t have to tell yourself that you’re listening. You just listen.


You become the Watcher.


You become the Observer of what’s going on in your mind.


You just pay attention.


But here’s the key.


When you observe your thinking, when you eavesdrop on your mind, what’s happening is you are watching those thoughts rather than feeling them.


If you can understand this it will change everything for you.


When you eavesdrop on your mind, you SEE what you are thinking more than you FEEL what you are thinking.


This sounds tricky, I know. But the more you do it, the better you will become at it.




why you should eavesdrop on your mind


Here’s why this matters. When you eavesdrop on your mind, you stop being the Experiencer.


You can’t be the Observer and the Experiencer at the same time.


You have to shift who you are being.


As the Experiencer, you FEEL what you think.


As the Observer, you SEE what you think.


When you see what you think, you open yourself up to compassion.


When you’re eavesdropping on your mind, you become curious and interested.


You become removed from the effect of your thoughts.


You are thinking about what you’re thinking about, and when you’re in this position, you can question it.


You want to question your thoughts because what you think creates how you feel.


And that’s important because feelings are drivers. How you feel determines what you do, and those actions create your outcome.


So if you want to create change in your life, you need to pay attention to your mind.


You need to eavesdrop on your mind so you know what’s going on in there.


When you see what’s going on, you’ll know exactly why your life is the way it is.


Then, if it’s not serving you, you can change it.


When you take the time to eavesdrop on your mind, you are understanding why you feel the way you do.


You’re paying attention to what you will create if you continue to think the way you’re thinking.


You get to decide if you want to continue thinking what you are thinking or if you want to think something else.


Because here’s the truth: you’re always creating your outcomes, whether it’s conscious or unconscious.


The more you take responsibility for what you are thinking, the more you’re going to direct your life to be how you want it to be.



how to eavesdrop on your mind


I hope you can see how important this is. You need to know how to eavesdrop on your mind.


The way you eavesdrop on your mind is by doing a thought download.


A thought download is dumping everything in your brain onto your paper.


Get all those thoughts out of your head and onto paper by free writing.


Pull out your journal or just a blank sheet of paper.


Set a timer for 10-15 minutes and just start writing.


It doesn’t have to take a lot of time to eavesdrop on your mind.


If you don’t know how to start, just start with, “I’m dumping out my brain all the things I’m thinking about. Here’s what’s going on in my life today…”


And just start writing and don’t stop until the timer goes off.


Do not filter your thoughts. Do not judge your thoughts.


Just get them out and onto the paper.


Now, what most people do when they journal is they stay being the Experiencer.


You have to remember to shift to the Observer.


Typically, when people journal, they feel everything they write down.


You know you’re doing this if you have emotion come up and you feel it as if what you’re writing about is happening again.


This isn’t a problem.


Just keep writing until the timer goes off or until you run out of thoughts.


And then, go back over what you wrote, as the Observer.


Look at those thoughts.


And here’s a tip for when you are the Observer.


See if you can look at those thoughts from the perspective of someone else.


Meaning…they aren’t YOUR thoughts.


Read those thoughts as if they are from someone else.


If someone else was having those thoughts, what might she be experiencing?


If that person continues to think those thoughts, what might her life be like?


This is how you be compassionate for yourself.


You eavesdrop on your mind from a place of love.


when to eavesdrop on your mind


One question I get from my clients is, how often should I do this?


How often you eavesdrop on your mind depends on how seriously you take yourself.


Your life is literally a direct reflection of what goes on in your mind.


When you eavesdrop on your mind, you clean it.


You need to clean your mind at least as often as you clean your house.


I like to do this daily. Every morning, I pull out my journal, and I ask myself what I am thinking.


But here’s what I will tell you.


Once a year is better than never.


Once a quarter is better than once a year.


Once a month is better than once a quarter.


Once a week is better than once a month.


And several times a week is better than once.


But you have to start where you are.


If you’ve never eavesdropped on your mind, it’s time to start.


You can also eavesdrop on your mind when you need to make a decision that feels heavy or tough.


You can do this when you feel confused about something.


Anytime you don’t like how you’re feeling, you can eavesdrop on your mind.


what to expect when you eavesdrop on your mind


You need to know what to expect when you eavesdrop on your mind because if you don’t know about this one thing, you might quit before you get to the part where you create change.


Sometimes when my clients eavesdrop on their mind, they get scared.


They don’t like what’s going on in their mind.


The way to think about this is to think about a messy room.


You might open the door and go in there with good intentions, but when you see the whole mess, you feel overwhelmed.


And when you feel overwhelmed or scared, you back out.


You turn the light off.


You shut the door.


And the mess stays there.


You have to be willing to face the mess.


You have to be willing to separate yourself from your thoughts.


You are not your thoughts.


Your thoughts are just sentences in your mind, and most of them are just habit.


They are not YOU.


And the more you can be the Observer of them, the easier it will be for you to change them.



it’s your turn to eavesdrop on your mind


Ready to try this out?


Grab a piece of paper and ask yourself what you’re thinking.


Write all your thoughts down without judging them.


Be the observer and understand your experience and how it makes sense.


And then notice, if you keep thinking the way you’re thinking, what will you continue to create?


If you don’t like what you’re thinking and you want to learn how to change what’s going on in your brain, I can help you.


When we work together, I will help you eavesdrop on your mind so you can really understand why you’re feeling the way you are and why your life is the way it is, and I will teach you how to create the new thoughts that will help you shift the direction of your life.


When you practice these new thoughts and you learn how to believe them, they will become effortless, and that is when your life changes.


If you’re interested in coaching with me, your next step is to book your call so we can get started. Click HERE to schedule your call.


And until then, keep eavesdropping on your mind to make micro shifts in your life.