This Buffalo Life Blog


Does Your Calendar Reflect Your Values?


As moms, we’re constantly striving to feel content.

We go through life WAITING to feel good.

Waiting for our own time.

Waiting to see if it will work out, if we can do what we want.


It’s no wonder we feel stuck, like we’re on hold.

If you’re waiting for your life to change, it’s going to feel like it’s out of your control.


It’s going to seem like this is just how it has to be because you’re a mom.

But the only reason this is happening is because you’re using your primitive brain.


Your primitive brain only wants 3 things:

  1. it wants to avoid pain,

  2. be efficient,

  3. and do what feels good in the moment.


This is why it seems like you can’t do what you want.


If what you want is to be creative because you know that having your creative time is vital to your emotional well being, but in order to have that time you need to be alone in a quiet house, your brain will tell you it’s not worth it.


It’s too painful.

It takes too much work to make it happen.

And the creative juices probably won’t flow anyway, so why bother.


When this happens, you put yourself in a no-win situation.


The worst part is, when we do this, we don’t even realize we’re doing it. That’s how effective the human brain is.


However, there is GOOD NEWS!

The good news is…all you need is this awareness.


Now that you know how your brain will keep you stuck, all you have to do is watch your brain and stay focused on what you’re creating.


If you want to feel content as a mom, stop waiting.

Stop waiting for your life to change, and BE the change.

Be the one to initiate change.


To initiate change, you have to ignite yourself.

You have to turn yourself ON to your life.


The opposite of waiting is movement.

It’s taking action.

It's being responsible.


If you’re going to take action, you have to first DECIDE to take action.

Being responsible is literally your ability to respond.


When you decide to be responsible and take action, (to change), you have to go against your brain.

You have to be willing to be uncomfortable, to let things take time, and delay gratification.


But listen, it’s easier than it sounds because you have a prefrontal cortex.

When you use your prefrontal cortex, you use the part of your brain that wants what’s best for you in the long run.

AKA: Your Best Future


The way to use your prefrontal cortex is to plan ahead.


So! what are the things you want to plan for?


How do you want to spend your time?

What things are in your life that let you know it’s amazing?

Who do you want to surround yourself with?


👉  The truth is, we are more productive when the things we are asking ourselves to do are aligned with our values.

When you spend your time on what matters most to you, you will feel better AND you’ll get more done.


So here’s your homework for today:

  1. Plan 3 things you’ll do this week: something for yourself, something for your home/fam, and something creative. 

  2. Decide EXACTLY when you will spend time doing them.

  3. Know that your primitive brain will try to talk you out of it.

  4. Use your prefrontal cortex and follow through anyway.

  5. Make yourself proud.


This is how you start doing what you want to do.

It’s how you start to change your life.


You stop waiting and you start DOING.


Your calendar starts reflecting your values and you start feeling better about your life.

When your calendar reflects your values, it’s easier to enjoy your life.