This Buffalo Life Blog


Describe Your Life in 3 Sentences

consult personal development

This is an exercise I do with my clients and I want to share it with you because it's so powerful.

It’ll only take a couple minutes.

This is for you if you’re a mom and you’re struggling to have your own time to do something fun.

Describe your life in 3 sentences.

Now, when you say those 3 things about your life, notice how you feel.

If it doesn’t feel good, I want you to know, that’s okay. You're not wrong. I can help you.

Most of the time we think it’s bad if we think our life is lacking and not good enough.

But this is just because you have high standards and a greater vision for your life, and I can help you get there.

If we never listen to ourselves with compassion, we’ll never change.

One of the things I do with my clients is help them create a life they’re proud to describe.

We start with one area of their life at a time, one baby step at a time.

When you take simple, doable steps in one area, that forward movement impacts all the other areas of your life.

The first step is the hardest. It's to start talking to a professional about what’s not working for you so you can start doing what does.

This will create awareness for you to really understand and decide how you want to live your life and describe it.

Anything is possible, but only when you think it is.

If you want to get there faster schedule your free call today.