This Buffalo Life Blog


you need a vision that compels you

time vision

Do you look at planners and wish you had something fun to plan for your day?


I have good news for you.


After you set your Regular Hours, when you work with me, I teach you how to create a compelling vision for your life.


Right now is the best time to do this.


It’s January, and humans love to plan at this time.


But as a stay at home mom, you might be like me and wonder what you’re supposed to write on your planner pages.


Maybe you’ve bought planners in the past and only used them for the first few days.


Maybe you find yourself writing the same things down each day and it felt pointless.


You need a vision that compels you for your life.


This requires you to be interesting.


What would happen to your life if you were more interested in it?


I can help you get there.


When you create your compelling vision we include parts about you, your life, and your goals.


This looks like wellness, relationships, lifestyle, and maintenance.


When you have a vision that compels you and you have Regular Hours, you start to feel better because you have created order and direction and purpose for your life.


One client told me 👉 It’s like I got my identity back.


She feels so good.


And when you feel good, you do good.


Every time.


The process of creating a compelling vision involves Personal Discovery.


We want to know what makes you tick.


When clients come to me, they feel overwhelmed and frustrated because they aren’t doing the things they most want to do.


So, we look at what those things are. We look at what’s missing in your life and we figure out why.


And I can tell you, it’s not because you don’t have enough time.


We all have 24 hours in a day. Someone somewhere is doing what you want with your same circumstances.


You have to believe it’s possible for you, too.


And, it’s not because you don’t have enough energy.


You’re exhausted because of emotional exhaustion.


This means it’s happening in your mind and you’re feeling it in your body.


When we clean out your mind and create order and purpose, you will be able to take more action.


And it’s going to feel good.


When you start doing the things you actually want to do, you get to feel good.


Personal Discovery is important.


YOU are important.


We want to discover what would compel you to get out of bed or off the sofa and have you living your life so much that you forget to pick up your phone.


Most of my clients are scared to look at what that is because they think it’s going to pull them away from their kids.


But you’re already pulling yourself away by feeling resentful.


When you allow yourself to do what fills you up, you actually enjoy your kids.


Ready to discover what makes you tick or share with a professional who believes in you?


Let's meet on Zoom and create a vision for your life. CLICK HERE to schedule your free call.


There’s a reason for your discontentment.


As a life coach for moms, I have found this to be true: A fulfilling life is all about long term vision, and simple plans, and daily progress.


You need a vision that compels you for your life.


You need simple plans to live out that vision.


And you need daily progress.


You need to see results, proof that it’s working, that your life is getting better.


It’s so frustrating feeling like nothing is ever going to change.


But what if I could show you how these are the best days of your life?


What if you were missing one key thing?


And that if you had it, your life would open up.


This is what my clients experience.


Their frustration dissolves into purpose.


It’s like a light comes on or a curtain becomes open in their mind and all the sudden they realize their life is pretty amazing.


Doing this work is so important. For you and for them.


You have the power to change generational patterns.


You have the power to create a different future.


It starts now. Today.


In how you choose to respond to your current life.


There’s nothing wrong with you that you feel discontent.


If you’re like my clients, you just need more information and you need help implementing it in your life.


I can help you feel better.


Let’s go.